What is a Ventilator and How does it work?

What is a Ventilator and How does it Works?

Ventilator: Treatment for life support is mechanical ventilation. A mechanical ventilator is a device that aids in breathing when a person is unable to breathe.

Common names for mechanical ventilators are ventilator, respirator, and breathing apparatus.

The critical care unit of a hospital is where the majority of patients who require support from a ventilator due to serious illness are hospitalized (ICU).

Long-term ventilator users may be treated at home, in a conventional hospital unit, or at a treatment center.


The key factors to consider while configuring a mechanical ventilation

The Major Ventilation metrics are:

Additionally, alarms for tidal and minute volume, peak pressure, respiratory frequency, FiO2, and apnea must be programmed in order to detect issues with the ventilator and changes in the patient.


A mode of ventilation refers to the patient being ventilated by the machine and the degree to which the patient will influence the ventilator pattern. the patient breathing amount will vary depending on the mode of ventilation

Below are the 3 different modes of operation:


Assist-control (A/C) mode:

The ventilator supports the patient by delivering a certain tidal volume to the patient at a predetermined rate, although the patient may choose to initiate a breath on his own.
When a patient is first intubated or when they are too weak to perform the job of breathing,

This technique of ventilation is frequently utilized to assist the patient entirely.


Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV) Mode :

The ventilator gives the patient a certain number of breaths per minute at a predetermined fio2 and tidal volume.
The patient is able to breathe passively in between breaths supplied by the ventilator.
The patient maintains the respiratory rate and tidal volume; the ventilator does not help with spontaneous breathing.
The patient is weaned off the mechanical ventilator using this way of ventilation.
The obligatory breaths were gradually reduced throughout weaning in order to give the patient more breathing responsibility.
Frequently used for weaning as a first ventilation mode



Pressure-controlled ventilation (PCV) mode

The PCV mode is used to control plateau pressures in conditions such as ARDS where compliance is decreased but the risk of barotraumas is high.
It is done when a patient continues to experience oxygenation issues despite having high FIO2 and high PEEP levels.
It is necessary to choose the inspiratory pressure level, respiratory rate, and inspiratory-expiratory (I: E) ratio
Tidal volume must be carefully monitored because it varies with compliance and airway resistance.


Pressure-support ventilation (PSV) mode

When the patient inhales, the ventilator automatically applies a predetermined amount of positive pressure to the airways. Pressure support ventilation helps each spontaneous inspiration by boosting the patient’s positive pressure during inspiration. A patient must initiate all pressure support breaths.
Assists in overcoming airway resistance and reducing the work of breathing. For a patient who is spontaneously breathing, pressure support ventilation can be used alone or in combination with other modes like SIMV.
Recommended for patients with low spontaneous tidal volumes and those who are challenging to wean. In general, if compliance declines or resistance rises, tidal volume declines and respiratory rate rises; this mode is primarily used to wean patients from mechanical ventilation.


Continuous Positive Airway Pressure CPAP

It is a PEEP variant.
Positive pressure is applied at the end of the expiration when a patient breathes spontaneously.
No mandatory breaths are taken (ventilator-initiated delivery is used in this mode), and the patient initiates all ventilation on their own.
Patients with hypoxemia who are resistant to oxygen therapy are treated with PEEP and CPAP. They increase oxygenation by expanding collapsing alveoli and preventing them from collapsing at the end of expiration.
While the patient is still using the ventilator, CPAP enables the nurse to observe whether the patient can breathe on their own.
When spontaneous breathing occurs, CPAP is provided. Positive end-expiratory pressure with positive-pressure (machine) breaths is referred to as PEEP.
CPAP helps spontaneously breathing patients improve their oxygenation by increasing the end-expiratory pressure in the lungs throughout the respiratory cycle. Both intubated and non-intubated patients can use CPAP.


Noninvasive bi-level positive airway pressure ventilation (BiPAP) mode

BiPAP is a noninvasive method of mechanical ventilation that uses a full-face mask, nasal prongs, or both. It is used as a bridge to weaning patients off mechanical ventilation, as an alternative to conventional mechanical ventilation in patients who are ventilated in their homes, and in the treatment of patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency to manage acute or chronic respiratory failure without intubations and conventional mechanical ventilation.




1.1 Tidal Volume
1.2. Minute Volume


Peak Pressure

3. Respiratory Frequency

4. Positive End-Expiratory Pressure

5. Inspiratory Time

The inspiratory time is the time it takes to inhale. The amount of time it takes to deliver the tidal volume of air to the lung is referred to as the inspiratory time.

6. Inspiratory-To-Expiratory Ratio

In most cases, inspiration is an active process. Expiration is passive and usually takes longer than exhalation, resulting in a no-flow period.
When breathing spontaneously, the work of breathing is reduced by keeping inspiratory times short and tidal volumes low enough to eliminate the CO2 produced. Under anesthesia, the optimal I: E ratio is most likely 1:1, not 1:2. With an I: E ratio of 1:1, a respiratory rate of about 12 is a good place to start. Normal I: E ratios are 1:2 or less during rest and sleep.



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